Hot Deal BlitzWolf BW-PCM2 13.3 Inch FHD 1080P Type C Portable Computer LCD Monitor Gaming Display for Smartphone Tablet Laptop Console
Buy BlitzWolf BW-PCM2 13.3 Inch FHD 1080P Type C Portable Computer LCD Monitor Gaming Display for Smartphone Tablet Laptop Console Right Here and Right Now You will save 35%, you will just pay for US $169.99, not in Reguler Price at US $261.52. Yap! This is I mean you will Save 35%.
Product Detail for BlitzWolf BW-PCM2 13.3 Inch FHD 1080P Type C Portable Computer LCD Monitor Gaming Display for Smartphone Tablet Laptop Console:
Brand Name: BlitzWolf
Display Ratio: 4:3
Certification: NONE
Origin: CN(Origin)
Display Size: 13"
Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Products Status: STOCK
Model Number: BW-PCM1
Application: Laptop
Contrast Ratio: 1000:1
Brightness: 300cd/m
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Pictures BlitzWolf BW-PCM2 13.3 Inch FHD 1080P Type C Portable Computer LCD Monitor Gaming Display for Smartphone Tablet Laptop Console
Addition Information of BlitzWolf BW-PCM2 13.3 Inch FHD 1080P Type C Portable Computer LCD Monitor Gaming Display for Smartphone Tablet Laptop Console
Rating: 5
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Original Price: US $261.52
Get Discount: 35%
Sale Price: US $169.99