Best Deal SKYLOONG Gamer Mechanical Keyboard GK61 SK61 Gateron Yellow Hot Swap RGB LED Backlit Wired Gaming Keyboard Optical Switches
Buy SKYLOONG Gamer Mechanical Keyboard GK61 SK61 Gateron Yellow Hot Swap RGB LED Backlit Wired Gaming Keyboard Optical Switches Right Here and Right Now You will save 30%, you will just pay for US $54.99, not in Reguler Price at US $78.56. Yap! This is I mean you will Save 30%.
Product Detail for SKYLOONG Gamer Mechanical Keyboard GK61 SK61 Gateron Yellow Hot Swap RGB LED Backlit Wired Gaming Keyboard Optical Switches:
Brand Name: skyloong
Application: Desktop
Application: Laptop
Application: Number
Application: Tablet
Certification: CE
Certification: FCC
Certification: RoHS
Language: english
Origin: CN(Origin)
Keyboard Standard: Mini Keyboard
Type: Wired
Operation Style: Mechanical
Style: Standard
Model Number: GK61
Interface Type: USB
Full Size keyboard: No
Package: No
Axis Body Brand: Gateron
Wrist Support: No
Feature 1: mechanical keyboard
Feature 2: teclado gamer
Feature 3: gateron yellow
Feature 4: teclado mecanico
Feature 5: gk61 keyboard
Feature 6: sk61
Feature 7: gaming keyboard
Feature 8: backlit keyboard
Feature 9: keyboard for tablet
Feature 10: mechanical gamer keyboard
Feature 11: keyboard gk61
Feature 12: RGB keyboard
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Pictures SKYLOONG Gamer Mechanical Keyboard GK61 SK61 Gateron Yellow Hot Swap RGB LED Backlit Wired Gaming Keyboard Optical Switches
Addition Information of SKYLOONG Gamer Mechanical Keyboard GK61 SK61 Gateron Yellow Hot Swap RGB LED Backlit Wired Gaming Keyboard Optical Switches
Rating: 5
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Original Price: US $78.56
Get Discount: 30%
Sale Price: US $54.99